Using out-of-date applications or templates and plug-ins for them, or using simple passwords is always dangerous for your Internet sites as these things make it much easier to hack them. Things get worse when you have a lot of Internet sites since all of them will be vulnerable if an attacker gets control of just one of them. This is the reason why we've developed JailHost - an advanced security feature that isolates sites from each other. If an Internet site is compromised, the attacker will be unable to find or access any other content outside the site folder, so all other sites part of the account will be protected and will remain intact. Using the JailHost option won't be a substitute for carrying out routine script updates or using complex passwords, but it will minimize any damage to your websites significantly, so you'll have to fix only one website rather than all of them.

JailHost in Website Hosting

We’ve included JailHost for all website hosting plans, so you will be able to protect any of your Internet sites with just a few clicks within your Hepsia Control Panel. The feature isn't active by default in order to avoid interfering with any websites where you may want visitors or administrators to be able to access content from other folders inside your account, but activating it for all your other sites is very effortless. Unlike various other Control Panels where the vast majority of domains have their files in the same main folder, all domains and subdomains in Hepsia have their own folders, making the control and the protection of multiple sites easier. In the unfortunate scenario of a site getting hacked, the rest of your websites will be shielded and we always have multiple daily backup copies for the affected one, so that we will be able to recover it to its initial state within a few minutes.

JailHost in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All of our semi-dedicated hosting packages come with JailHost integrated by default. This feature is not enabled automatically when you add a domain name as you may need to use a certain script which accesses multiple folders in the account, yet you can activate it easily through your Hepsia Control Panel and protect the rest of your sites with just a couple of clicks. Hepsia is much better to use when you have multiple sites since it keeps them in individual folders and does not keep the files for several websites in the very same folder like it often happens with many other Control Panels. This enables us to offer you JailHost as all the folders can be separated from each other. In case that any of your websites gets hacked, we'll be able to promptly restore it using the several daily backup copies that we will keep and in the mean time your attacker will not be able to do further damage since the access to your other sites will be cut off.