An enormously improved resource utilization

Efficient use of system resources

VPSs generally require an additional communication layer between them and the physical server to take care of resource administration. This implies a notably trimmed amount of available system resources for the virtual machines themselves. With KVM, this extra layer is eliminated, since the virtualization platform itself is implemented straight into the host machine’s OS. Hence, all the resources offered by the host server can be utilized by the KVM virtual servers that have been configured. This resource availability gives you that extra advantage you need to make your websites and web apps apparently distinguishable from the others.
An enormously improved resource utilization

A 0-middleman server virtualization

A host OS kernel-based server virtualization

The key difference between KVM-driven VPSs and almost all other kinds of VPSs is the server virtualization environment itself. With KVM, there’s absolutely no requirement for any supplementary virtualization software to be installed on the server – the indispensable software commands are engrafted straight into the host OS kernel itself instead. This vastly minimizes the system resources that the physical server needs to reserve in order to run extra applications and makes those resources in turn available to the virtual machines. The absence of an extra communication layer also slashes the I/O waiting time, efficiently making your virtual server run markedly faster.
A 0-middleman server virtualization

NVMe–based VPS Hosting Services

Improve your website page’s effectiveness with our NVMe–based VPS’s

Each of the Linux KVM virtual private servers provided by siteHostel is pre–loaded with NVMe disks rather than ordinary HDD hard drives. Using NVMes on your VPS may be an awesome benefit for your web pages. NVMes offer you greater reading/writing data transfer speeds and also allow for faster document access. This essentially indicates that all the stuff on your web hosting server will work faster, including all of your web sites and web applications.

NVMe–based VPS Hosting Services

Absolutely unrestrained Operating System freedom

Install any OS you wish

Traditionally, when you acquire a Virtual Private Server, you get to select from a limited assortment of Operating Systems, as they are the only ones compatible with the virtualization software. However, KVM-based VPSs don’t require any sort of virtualization software – they communicate directly with the physical host server’s hardware components. This goes to say that you can select pretty much any Operating System that can run on the specific server. Do you need to run BSD on your virtual server? This can be done.
Absolutely unrestrained Operating System freedom

No Set–up Charges for Your VPS

We set up the web server free–of–charge for you

The cost of a Linux KVM virtual private server is greater than that of a normal cloud hosting account because of the enhanced virtualization technology it is based on. This is exactly why we do not bill you any setup or network upkeep extra fees. The final selling price of your Linux KVM virtual private server is the price tag that you find listed on our webpage.

No Set–up Charges for Your VPS

Our Service Guarantees

twenty–four–seven guidance and no setup charges

Your own Linux KVM virtual private server will be configured in up to 60 minutes right after registration. We will not bill you any configuration service fees, so the price tag you find on the web page is the final worth for the VPS. We have invested time and effort in setting up our very own internal system and are able to ensure a 99.9% system uptime for your VPS. If you ever demand assistance with the pre–installed software, you can benefit from our help service twenty–four–seven.

Our Service Guarantees

24/7 Support

We are working hard to guide you at any time of the day or night

Your site is not accessible at two o’clock in the morning and you have no idea what has caused this? Our skilled tech support group is online for you. You would like to install some software package on your VPS, but have little idea how you can continue with the set up? Our consultants will be glad to support you with that. Weekends? We’re still available. Holidays? We are out there too. This is one of the pros of being provided with a a 24x7 support service. With a one–hour solution time frame warranty.

24/7 Support

Specifications of Your VPS

Be in 100% power over your virtual server platform

Each one of our Linux KVM virtual private servers is loaded with all the primary characteristics that you should have to be able to command your media–intensive web presence. You will receive a variety of Linux distributions, a lot of storage resources and a set of bonus characteristics, which includes a dedicated IP and even a web address marketer profile. Consequently, no matter whether you like to run one particular consuming web site or a small–scale web app hosting server, or you have to even start off your own reseller web hosting business, you will definitely have everything that you need right at hand.

Specifications of Your VPS

Free Bonus Products for all of Your web pages

Web accelerator software tools, a domain name reseller account and even more

The Linux KVM virtual private servers are loaded with a number of 100% free bonus deals, that include a dedicated IP address for your site. Moreover, we include a domain reseller account and the ClientExec help and payment program to make it easier to start off your personal reseller hosting firm.

Free Bonus Products for all of Your web pages

Linux OS release Options

Pick your Linux distribution

You could opt for a Linux distribution – Ubuntu, CentOS or Debian with all our Linux KVM virtual private servers.

Linux OS release Options

A 99.9% Network Uptime

We use the most up–to–date networking components

We have worked hard in cooperation with the workers at our data centers in an effort to build up a solid and safe inner network. We have collaborated with top components sellers to guarantee a truly reliable system. That is why, we can positively guarantee a 99.9% uptime for all Linux KVM virtual private servers. This warranty is valid for all the Data Center Facilities that we are working with.

A 99.9% Network Uptime

A zero cost Dedicated IP

1 unique completely free dedicated IP address with each virtual machine

With every single Linux KVM virtual private server, you will receive one totally free dedicated IP.

A zero cost Dedicated IP

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Generate income thanks to your server

Witness the powers of the siteHostel web hosting dashboard in starting your own wholesale hosting business seamlessly. Utilize the Account Management option to set up as many as 5 independent subaccounts, each ripe for selling to your chosen audience. Even if reselling hosting isn't your primary focus, making use of additional client accounts can effectively offset recurring expenses related to the server. Please note that while Managed Support packages are provided, assistance with billing matters or client assistance is not within our area of expertise.

Hepsia Reseller Tools